blosxom :: the zen of blogging


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    Installing Blosxom at your ISP

    Blosxom is a simple CGI script that requires not much more than being put somewhere Web-accessible, told where it is, optionally configured a little, blessed with permission to run, and let loose on an unsuspecting public.


    These instructions rest upon a couple-three assumptions:

    • Your service provider provides you with space for your own Web site and allow you to run your own CGI scripts.
    • You know the full path (e.g. /home/username/public_html) to your Web-accessible directory; while this varies from ISP to ISP, it's commonly a www, public_html, or web subdirectory inside your home directory.
    • Your CGI scripts need to reside in a cgi-bin subdirectory of your Web-accessible directory (e.g. /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin).
    • You have command-line (telnet or ssh) or FTP access to your account, allowing you to manipulate files in your home, Web-accessible, and cgi-bin directories. For those of you using FTP, I'll leave the exact workings of your FTP client to you as each is slightly different.

    If you're unsure of any of these details, give your ISP's tech support line a ring.


    While you'll probably have to make minor tweaks and adjustments here and there to suit the particulars of your ISP and account, these instructions should provide more than enough to go on.
    1. Before you can get down to the nitty gritties, you'll need a fresh copy of Blosxom in hand. Download it here. Extract the blosxom.cgi script from the ZIP archive using your favourite unzipping utility.
    2. Upload blosxom.cgi to your ISP's server (usually using FTP) and drop it into your cgi-bin directory, e.g. /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi.

    3. You'll need to bless blosxom.cgi (make it "executable") so that your ISP's Web server will be allowed to run it. If you're on the command-line, Do so by typing:
      chmod 755 /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi
      Of course you should alter the path as appropriate.

      If you don't have command-line access (telnet or ssh), you'll need to change the permissions using your FTP client. Check your application's Help system for details.

    4. All of Blosxom's blog entries live in a special folder. As good a place as any to keep these posts is in a folder within your home direcotry (e.g. /home/username/blosxom). Create the blosxom directory using either your FTP client's "mkdir" command/button or on the command line:
      mkdir /home/username/blosxom
      Again, you should alter the path as appropriate.

    click here to configure blosxom...