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Blosxom Plugin Registry
Blosxom is about infinitely extensible via a plugin architecture. Here you'll find oodles of plugins to expand, extend, integrate, and delight. And they're written by Blosxom users just like you!
Have a Blosxom Plug-in to share with the Blosxom community? Plug it in here!
- archives - Replaces $archives::archives with a tree of years and months and the number of posts in each.
- flatarchives - modification of archives plugin that generates a flat list of months with posts in them
- login - Allows you to create usernames and passwords to gain access to certain parts of your site
- login2 - An alteration of the login plugin. This adds functionality which provides automatic logout after x minutes of inactivity. Note: not an option, but a function.
- author - Allows a "meta-author:" tag to specify an author for each entry. A default author can also be used if no tag is present. This is my first attempt writing anything in perl..
- fauxami - Provides the "name" of the person posting the weblog entry, using anything before a specified delimiter ( the default is . ) as the "name". So, jack.story1.txt would yield a $fauxami::name of jack and jill.story2.txt would yield a $fauxami::name of jill.
- whoami - provides username and full name for each story; useful for group Blosxom blogs
- clicktrack - writes URLs in your stories to go through a 302 redirect script so you can log clicks on your blog that go offsite
- uainclude - include specific content in the <head> section of a page, based on the User-Agent of the user's browser
- calendar - builds a classic weblog calendar with days linked to archived postings
- categories - builds a tree display of paths/categories populated with weblog posts
- categorylist - Provides a menu of categories for a menu sidebar.
- categorytree - show a tree style list of categories with blog counts
- fixcategory - Replaces the first-level category, with a url. Useful for centralized blogs, or with the followsymlink plugin.
- followsymlinks - Treats Symbolic links as categories.
- date_fullname - Purpose: Populates $date_fullname::dw (day of the week) and $date_fullname::mo (month name) with full day and month names, respectively
- date_translate - translates day of the week and month name into the language of your choice
- metadate - Lets you put metadates in an external file. Lets you specify metadates for directories or non-story files.
- timestamp - Provides timestamps, as formattable strings or as Julian day numbers, for each story for inclusion in its display. Can use the cache from entries_index if available.
- timezone - Causes the Blosxom timestamps to reflect a specific timezone that is
- timezone - Allows Blosxom to use a different timezone from the server. Also exports the timezone and GMT offset for use in flavors.
- rendertime - compute how long it takes to dynamically render a requested page
- seeerror - makes error log output accessible through the browser, for people who can't see their error logs
- SmartyPants - Performs several typographic transformations -- smart quotes, smart dashes, and smart-ellipses -- on your weblog entries.
- allconsuming - Lets AllConsuming (allconsuming.net) users share their list of reading/purchased/finished/etc books easily
- amazonwish - Retrieves your Amazon wishlist
- antispam - AntiSpam masks email addresses that appear in your stories to make it harder for spambots to harvest them
- autoblock - Automaticly wraps blocks in HTML tags, including paragraph, code, and blockquotes.
- Autoxfn - Automatically adds XFN (http://gmpg.org/xfn/) relationship data to anchor tags based on information contained in a central file.
- better_title - makes a title including category path or date (day month year) available for use in titling weblog page
- binary - Cause Blosxom to see if the URL requested actually exists on the filesystem. If it does, then return the file, and then exit the script allowing for binary file serves. If the file does not exist, then the Bloxsom script will continue noting whether it needs to do a flavour translation on the data file, etc. The convienience of this is that when you wish to include an image or anything besides just the blog entry, you can place the file in the same directory as your text file, and reference it with a $url$path.
- blacklist - This plugin allows you to create a blacklist file ( and a whitelist ) for your weblog that allows you to specify certain IP addresses that simply receive a 404 message making it appear as if your site is no longer there. You may wish to alter this to give a 410 message, if you like.
- blogroll - builds a blogroll out of OPML files
- blogshares - Purpose: Fetches blog shares info from blogshares.com via XML API and
- blox - adds user-selected "paragraph" markup tags to plain entry file text; stop typing <p> tags! Existing tags are left alone.
- breadcrumbs - builds a clickable trail to your current position in the weblog's path
- chrono - This simple plugin redefines the sort() function to list stories chronologically (oldest first) based on the $blosxom::chrono variable defined globally in the blosxom.cgi script or locally in the relevant config file.
- closingwords - Plugin to append a note to each story, such as source, credit, sentiment or admonition; default appends blog url to story.
- comments_recent - Provides a list of recent comments, good for inclusion in a sidebar.
- counter - a simple counter
- cvs - Replaces CVS keywords (such as $Id: cvs,v 1.2 2004/01/12 12:59:43 ivo Exp $) with the part after the :.
- dayinyear - Plugin for head and foot templates to display the number of the current day, week and year, like this: Day $dayinyear::numday in week $dayinyear::numweek in $dayinyear::numyear.
- directorybrowse - Changes those long path names into staged links.
For example: /one/two/three, are one link in vanilla bloxsom. This plugin allows one, two and three to be individually linked.
- DynamicCSS - Load different CSS Files based on the user agent that blog-viewers are using.
- entries_template - Provide alternative template for displaying story entries in index pages, so that different features can be incorporated. For example, you can display excerpts in the index page, while enable writeback form in individual stories.
- flavourmenu - flavourmenu creates a menu to let a user choose to see the current page in a different flavour, or the whole weblog in a different flavour.
- fortune - make the output of the fortune program, found on just about any Unix machine, available to your flavour templates
- gallery - Generates a thumbnail gallery using a slide form with Truetype-written descriptions. Requires Image::Magick. Currently static mode only.
- geek - show stories in hexadecimal, octal, decimal, binary, and memory dump form
- google_highlight - Highlights any Google search terms used to find your weblog.An adaptation of Dean Allen's Google Hilite.
- headlines - provides a list of headlines for each your stories
- hotlists - creates lists of latest posts in a particular category
- icons - Provides Slashdot-like icons
- lastvisited - In conjunction with the cookie plugin and lastmodified, add a 'new stuff!' marker to the title of each story that hasn't been seen before. The story marker can be customized (it defaults to 'NEW!'
- menu - Menu displays a listing of the subdirectories available from your current page, showing only those paths that lead to available articles and abiding by the settings of the exclude plugin, if installed.
- moreentries - Creates 'Next' and 'Previous' links when there are more entries than allowed on a page (as determined by the Blosxom config variable $num_entries). This doesn't affect date-style urls, since Blosxom ignores $num_entries for date urls. Great for search results (tested with 'find' plugin). Also provides template variables for showing which posts numbers are being displayed, etc. NOTE: This version is probabaly not compatible with Static rendering.
- netflix - Lets you share the contents of your netflix queue or the list of movies you have checked out
- now_playing - This plugin uses Trackback pings to populate $now_playing::last with the last few songs you've played in Winamp. It requires Benn Trott's tb.cgi implementation of Trackback and the DoSomething Winamp plugin.
- output_utf8 - Purpose: Encodes the output of Blosxom and previous plugins to UTF-8.
- page_titler - This allows for the title of the most recent story to be used in flavours, available with $page_titler::title .
- paginate - Provides page navigation, with previous/next links and a list of available pages
- paypalform - This plugin builds a PayPal donation form that can be included in a flavour. It can be generated for the entire blog or for just sections (the form variable is blank when 'disabled').
- plain_text - Populates $plain_text::body with a copy of $blosxom::body that has the HTML stripped.
- postheadprefoot - Appends the contents of any posthead.flavour (specific to a particular flavour)
or posthead (general, regardless of flavour) file found along a particular
category path/directory to the head.flavour.
Prepends the contents of any prefoot.flavour (specific to a particular flavour)
or prefoot (general, regardless of flavour) file found along a particular
category path/directory to the foot.flavour.
- prettycategory - Adds spaces in category names, to improve readability. Provides $prettycategory::category
- preview - allows an author to preview an item before making it generally visible
- Print - This flavour creates a printer-friendly version of the blog. Mainly meant for individul stories
- quotes - This plugin manages 'quote of the day' style stories. The quotes can be included in the normal blog listing if desired. The most recent quote is made available in a global variable.
- randomizer - Populates $randomizer::text with a random line from a text file.
- randomlogo - Allows random selection of a logo image from a directory.
- randomtext - randomtext pulls a random file from a directory for display in a flavour template
- reading_room - Allows for the (somewhat) easy creation of lists of books, films, etc, along with purchase links and star ratings.
- readme - adds the contents of any a readme file found along a particular category path/directory
- recent_entries - makes a list of recent entries available to your flavour templates
- recentwritebacks - RecentWritebacks is a new plugin that allows you to easily locate the stories that have recently added posts. You can search your site for those stories that have had writebacks submitted within a specified number of days.
- reverse - reverses the order of entries in archive pages, so index and category are in reverse chronological order and archives are in chronological order.
- review - This plugin makes it easier to write reviews. It works off of a file per entry system. So, you can place custom variables in that file that get replaced when the review gets rendered. It also works with the asin/amazon plugin to render links to items you review.
- sameday - Use $sameday::sameday in your story template to make a link to the same day of the posting date of your posting, but then in the last year.
- schedule - Shows the event for the current month from a .calendar file
- seemore - displays only up to a ^L in each post, linking to the rest of the post as "See More..."
- sideblog - Reads the first handful of lines from a sideblog file containing not-quite-ready-for-prime-time blog material (be it uncommented links, simple verbal quips, or unformulated thoughts) into a variable made available to the head/foot files. (It should be noted that I honestly don't know what I'm doing. But I thought I'd submit this for comments if not for use.)
- sizer - provides a way to limit the length of your blosxom weblog page, regardless of the number of posts it might take to fill it
- smilefie - Like those cute smiles in your post? This plugin converts :-) into the regular
- smiley - Convert simple "smiley" tags into images on-the-fly. Tags include <happy>, <sad>, <frustrated> and more.
- storytitle - Allows you to use the story title in the title of a page. Only works with stories on own page
- text_template - Allows use of alternate templating engine (specifically Text::Template)
- toc - This plugin creates a table of contents generated from selected headings. Can be useful for longer stories.
- userstatus - Provides a $userstatus::status variable which will display a status message
- visitors - Computes how many people are "currently" visiting your site and, if you have the login plugin installed, how many are logged in. The amount of time to consider a person active is configurable.
- warCounter - Counts the number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years since the beginning of the war between the United States and Iraq.
- wishlist - displays your amazon wishlist. does not require amazon modules.
- wordcount - Provides $wordcount::wordcount, a count of the total number of words in your story (after HTML has been stripped out). Depends on -- and includes -- the plain_text plugin.
- worldpop - Produces a number representing the world population.
- writeback_sort - Sort stories not only by date, but by writeback date, causing stories to rise to the top of the weblog when people trackback or comment.
- PostGraph - Creates graphs showing the time of day you post, in two different formats (one identical to the MT "blogtimes" plugin)
- bookmarklet - Adds blosxom bookmarklet for wikieditish.
- wikieditish - Edit a Blosxom blog wiki-style, from right in the browser. Plays nicely with wikiwordish, tiki, and textile plug-ins. Features: password protection, ip-based protection, and preservation of last modified date/time stamp -- all optional, of course. [**EXPERIMENTAL FOR NOW**]
- cvsignore - Allows .cvsignore files be used to ignore certain files or directories in much the same way as cvs does.
- exclude - With this plugin you can exclude certain entries and/or directories from displaying in your blog.
- hide - Similar to exclude, except that it allows the stories to be searched by the find plugin.
- linkfile - Easily links to files in a file repository
- static_file - An extensive rewrite of the binary plugin.
- svn - pulls entries from a subversion repository. preserves created date and populate last modified date.
- xmlrpcfilter - Pass blog content through filters on remote servers via an XML-RPC filter API
- blok - Converts Mac and Windows line-ends to Blosxom-friendly newlines. Now you can use just about anything to generate entry files, and it'll just work ;-)
- config - override Blosxom's inline configuration settings on a per-directory, per-flavour, and per-directory-per-flavour basis (experimental!); see here for a more detailed explanation
- crop_path - crop_path shortens the blosxom path variable to the last n parts. This is useful on pages showing multiple categories sorted by path, like this plugin registry.
- flavourdir - Keep your flavours in a separate flavour directory rather than alongside all of your weblog entries.
- fullcategory - Fixes a bug [feature ;-)] in blosxom so full category names are required (partial names will no longer work)
- functions - write arbitrary functions for stories. Easily extended.
- gzip - compress blosxom output with gzip encoding
- keywords - This plugin extracts marked keywords form the individual stories and inserts them, sorted by frequency and weight, into the keywords meta-tag.
- logger - This plugin lets you store cgi variables (user agent, referrer, etc.) in a log text file. You configure which variables to track, as well as column separator character. Bug reports and constructive criticism welcome-- I am a Perl newbie.
- multiblosxom - Loads up external config files based on the name of the Blosxom script when executed. Useful when combined with symlinks on Unix.
- pluginfo - makes information about your currently running Blosxom plug-ins available to your flavour templates
- prefs - An alternative to the config plugin which has the advantage of correctly handling static rendering.
- publish - Produces the meta tag 'expires' with a value that indicates the numer of seconds to preserve the page. After this time the page must be refreshed and not served from a proxy server cache. Allowing frequently updated pages to show up immediately in the browser without a manual refresh.
- redirect - This plugin allows you to redirect obsolete url's on your site to the new url (useful for keeping search engines up to date, as well as visitors). Especially handy when you upgrade and remove the "/weblog" or "blosxom.cgi" bit at the beginning of your urls.
- relative_dir - Allows you to use relative data directory
- strip_unix_comments - Remove any line beginning with a # character.
- subflavour - It's a very simple plugin based on Rael's flavourdir plugin. It automatically displays the writeback subflavour for the story chunk on individual stories by default. What this means is that it looks for a file called story.htmlwriteback in flavour_dir to use as the template for the story portion of this page if the current flavour is html and if an individual story has been requested. It also has the added bonus of allowing you to specify any subflavour for any chunk (head, date, foot, etc) based on $blosxom::path_info. For instance, I use it to display different story and date templates for my /links section, similar to the way the plugin registry works. The only difference being that the flavour-proper has not changed, and the reader always sees the same url. Not even a query string. That's what I like about it.
- test -
- theme - Build themes or use those built by others for your Blosxom-powered weblog.
- twikirender - Uses a local TWiki installation to render blog entries.
- update - easily add updates to past posts without having to modify the post
- urltranslate - Translates URLs with a look-up table, and can add the client port number to specified URL's for virtual hosts accessed through tunnels or redirects.
- uselib - Tells Perl to look for modules in $blosxom::plugin_dir/lib.
- vhost - Enable different vhosts to have different a datadir in order to allow multiple weblogs without having ugly urls.
- wordcount - After subtracting plaintext from your stories, counts the number of words in the plain text that's left. The wordcount is then available to you in $wordcount::wordcount. This plugin relies on the plain_text plugin for plain-text extraction.
- cookies - Provides basic cookie functionality for use by any number of Blosxom plug-ins.
- lastmodified - The 'lastmodified' plugin adds a 'last-modified' header to your blog. This should help enable smarter feed-readers to not pull your blog every time they check (I'm getting spotty behavior from Apache, it may take detecting HEAD requests from inside blosxom).
- xhtml - Sends "Content-Type" of "application/xhtml+xml" to browsers who support it and "text/html" to those that don't (IE).
- isp - designed for the ISP looking to provide Blosxom weblogs to all of its users, this plugin traps URLs of the form /~username/weblog, setting an appropriate user-specific data directory
- autoimg - Converts simple text tags to HTML hrefs and img tags.
- gallery - Another gallery plugin that generates a nice gallery page using a custom flavour.
- galleryref - insert image tags for gallery galleries
- iconset - Allows you to override the icon chose by the icon plugin on a per-story basis, though it can also be used on it's own.
- imagegallery - ImageGallery allows you to easily add a group of images and thumbnails to your blosxom site. You create your story, a folder of images, folder of thumbnails, and an optional folder of comments, and the plugin does the rest.
- imagesizer - adds width and height tags to your story images
- meta_image - Takes a "meta-imgurl" and "meta-imgalt" tag from a post entry, and generates the html, suitable for displaying said picture with a story.
- randomimage - Utilizes Gallery system and pulls random images from it, and links to Gallery's albums, etc.
- file - loads the contents of files into variables for use in your Blosxom flavour templates
- include - includes files and the results of commands [possible security implications!]
- entries_cache - A variation on entries_index, this plugin caches your story index to speed up processing on blosxom sites with a large # of stories. Also caches file modification times, just like entries_index
- entries_index - preserves original creation timestamp on weblog entries, allowing for editing of entries without altering the original creation time
- entries_index_tagged - This is a hack of Rael's entries_index plugin which forces story dates to a value found within the files themselves (in a meta-tag), if found. Otherwise it just falls back to the default behavior for the original plugin. This is useful if you upload your stories to a remote webserver via FTP.
- mtime_cache_filter - This is a reimplementation of index_entries that uses the 'filter' hook instead of 'entries', so it will play nicely with search plugins or other plugins that override 'entries'.
- Blog Post - This allows you to post blogs to Blosxom using a standard browser. You can specify the folder to create it in, move files from one folder to another, allow users to respond to blogs and pages on your site using a respond command, delete blogs from a browser, be notified by email when blogs are posted and more.
- BlosGate - BlosGate- A cross-platform email-to-Blosxom gateway that doesn't require procmail or root access.
- comments - based on writeback (and can convert writeback - but not from comments to writebacks), this plugin adds threading and timestamps to comments. it also fills in the title appropriately. i want to add more features, but some feedback would be great. thanks!
- dbcomments - Support comments in a blosxom blog by using blosxom itself to create a parallel comment blog.
- emailcomments - enables viewers of your blog to post comments via email
- karma - Karma allows you to have your visitors score articles in a positive/negative fashion. It then calculates various scores that you can use to incorporate a "Top 10 Articles" section, or something similar, into your website. It is based on a concept by Beau Lebens.
- metaweblog4bloxsom - A metaWeblog API implementation for bloxsom. It lacks support for mulituser, media upload and login/password (but this should not be hard to add, I use webserver basic authentication for this).
- param - Use variables to access param data.
- poll - Provides public polls which can be placed in the header or footer templates,
- Pollxn - Lets visitors post discussion comments about stories on your blog site. Requires no database, Javascript, or cookies -- just a small (8K) Perl CGI that runs on your web server. Can be customized via template flavors to control how discussion pages look for tight integration with your blog. Use Pollxn stand-alone, or add the optional plug-in for Blosxom that dynamically displays number of comments per blog story.
- prettycomment - Rids the world of the writeback comments plural and allows specific strings for 0, 1 and more than 1 writebacks. ie: for 0 writebacks, it could be, "0 comments (why not post the first comment?)" or for 1 writeback, "1 comment (add another!)"
- proc2blog - Inserts an entry in your blossum blog from an incoming email using procmail. Uses a secret subject for authentication, so its not really
- seewritebacks - Makes it easy to enable writebacks on multiple flavors for your site
- ssfavorites - A server-side "favorites" or "watch" list. For each blog or story it puts an Add or Remove button at the top right under the blog title. Works with login plugin for user id's and keeps the favorites on the server. Example on foreclosurelane.com
- submission - Enables submissions via POSTed data to your Blosxom weblog. Puts submissions into pending status, which you can view, too.
- submitEntry - A variant on the submission plugin by DJ Adams. It allows to specify the section where an entry will go, and specifies the body text more directly. This assumes you have an authentication mechanism otherwise (such as login) and the user will be indicated as a meta-author.
- sxtem - Standalone Ruby-based Blogger API implementation for Bloxsom.
- trackback_counts_display - Incorporates TrackBack counts into Blosxom flavours.
- wbnotify - Sends an email to specified address when a new writeback is entered. Needs writeback plugin.
- writeback - Provides Blosxom weblogs with WriteBacks, a combination of comments and TrackBacks.
- writeback-notify - A six-line hack of the original writeback plugin that provides for email notification of new comments. The hack does not effect the performance of the original writeback plugin.
- purple - Integrates blosxom with PurpleWiki. This means support for Wiki text formatting, WikiWord linking, and purple numbers.
- interpolate_conditional - Conditionally include bits of text and template variable values in templates.
- interpolate_fancy - Overrides Blosxom's far simpler to use, but more limited, default interpolate() subroutine. Perform actions (i.e. call plug-in subroutines) at any point in your page, whether to act on current content and return results or no. Include bits of text and template variable values in templates, either conditionally or unconditionally. Conditions include: defined, undefined, equal to, not equal to, less than, greater than, like and unlike (regex).
- absolute - Replaces relative paths in image tags and hyperlinks with their fully-qualified counterparts
- autolink - Automatically connect specified keywords to a url throughout all of your posts
- bloglinks - Provides a $bloglinks::bloglinks variable which will display a set of links
- citysearchtag - Translates <citysearch>keyword<citysearch> to a citysearch search link. Note: coded for citysearch.com.au, not citysearch.com
- cooluri - Allows the use of extension free, date based permalinks, as
- cooluri2 - Makes Blosxom recognize date-based, extensionless URIs (aka Cool URIs) for both stories *and* categories
- debpackagetag - Converts <debpackage>blosxom<debpackage> to a link to the associated debian package page
- debtags - Offers currently two tags: <debpkg packagename> and <debbug bughint> bughint can be any of packagename, maintaineraddress, bugnumber or similar... More to come.
- favorites - This plugin generates links from your IE favorites.
- lcase - Convert Blosxom URLs to lower case.
- linksused - It takes each story's links and populates $linksused::linksused with them.
- macrolinks - replaces custom <google> style HTML tags with links to the associated site
- magiclink - Featureful HTML link generator, based on a simple/natural syntax. Useful for easily linking to sites, searches (google, terms), and online store items (amazon with pics). Several targets are pre-configured, and others can be added.
- mailto - creates creates a mailto URL with the subject line properly provided for use in flavour templates
- permalink - Generates permalinks for you so you can use a consistent link format throughout your site
- permapath - Substitutes the '/' in the $path for '_' so it will be suitable for using as an anchor tag
- personLink - Jon Udell, in one article, expressed the notion that you can get a sense of what two people's relationships are with each other merely by feeding their names into Google. To this end, this plugin will match names in a list set in a meta-: variable to the contents of a post, and the first match is transformed into a Google query with the post author's name and the matched name.
- rellink - A manager of relative links/images
- asin - replaces asin: hyperlinks with an appropriate Amazon Associates link
- buy_from_amazon - Provides a link to Amazon Quick Click(TM) Buying for the first Amazon product link (if any) mentioned in a entry
- google - specify keywords associated with a weblog posting to be used in a related Google search
- googletag - translate <google>keyword<google> to a google search link
- refer - This plugin is a port of the refer.php code from Refer
- referer - Populates $referer::recent with the most recent referrers to your blog. It orders the list by number of hits referred and is smart enough to combines hits different referrers but from the same domain. It won't detect hits from the domain on which your blog is hosted so that usres don't see your obsessive reloading of your page. It also has the ability to let you specify pretty names for the blogs that connect to you so users see links to Bob's Blog instead of bob_blog.com or whatnot.
- macros - highly generalized macros plugin; can do everything macrolinks can do, as well as several other less-general plugins. Modelled on the widely-used MT-Macros.
- cvsinfo - Fills variables with CVS keyword values and strips unix-like comments.
- meta - Populates the $meta namespace with variables corresponding to meta tags (e.g. meta-username:douglas) found in the "header" (anything before a blank line) of a weblog post
- rating - For stories specifying a meta-rating value (using the meta plug-in), this plug-in generates numerical, textual, star, and graphical representations of said rating for use in a flavour template.
- storystate - Storystate provides a number of convenience variables for use with the interpolate_fancy plugin by Blosxom author Rael Dornfest. It was designed to be especially useful with writeback. Storystate also allows presence of a meta-writeback tag to control if writebacks are open or closed. It's basically useless without interpolate_fancy.
- inline_python - A stub plug-in for anyone wishing to try their hand at writing Blosxom plug-ins in Python. [ Not for the faint of heart, mind you ;-]
- modules - Allows Blosxom to bring in other perl modules for use by the other
- uselib - Tells Perl to look for modules in $blosxom::plugin_dir/lib.
- find - Provides search capabilities for your web site
- google_sitesearch - Provides Google Free SiteSearch for your weblog.
- lucene - hooks in the results of a Lucene search, displaying only the stories matching the search query (as specified by ?q=keywords)
- swish - Based on the lucene search plugin. Displays stories matching the search query (as specified by ?q=keywords).
- bloglikeapirate - Turns your posts into pirate-speak (Aar!) Can also be used from the command line.
- scrmable - A plugin adaptation of Jamie Zawinski's scrmable script to scrmable all but the first and last letters in a word. Tests the assertion that, so long as the first and last letters of a word are in place, legibility isn't affected by scrambling all the other letters.
- wordscramble - Scrambles the words in your Blosxom blog. This is a stupid trick, but you might like it as an example of using Inline::Python inside a Blosxom plugin. Includes a deferred-til-runtime binding to lower low overhead.
- sort_by_name - Sort your entries by file name (instead of by date)
- sort_by_path - Sorts Weblog entries by path rather than in the default reverse-chronological order.
- todo - This is a pretty simple plugin; it munges the specified story's modification time to now. I use it to make sure that my To Do List always shows up under today's date.
- zlocaldepth - Allows you to use the config plugin to set the depth of your page on a page-by-page basis.
- atomfeed - Provides an Atom feed of your weblog. The plugin has all you need right on-board, including flavour template components. Simply point your browser at http://yoururl/index.atom.
- esf - produce a ESF (a plain-text syndication format) feed for syndication
- klip - takes a blosxom flavour file and turns it into a klip file for KlipFolio, a sort-of news aggregator
- lastbuilddate - lastbuilddate adds a <lastBuildDate> value to blosxom's built in rss 0.91 feed.
- necho-flavour - This zip file contains a set of Blosxom flavour files that implement a syndicated feed in the new syndication format that is currently called Echo but that will eventually called something else. The spec is prerelease, so this implementation should be regarded as a proof-of-concept rather than as a finished product.
- rss10 - provides the extra bit of programming needed to produce a valid RSS 1.0 feed for syndication
- rss30 - hack of rss10 to output RSS 3.0. uses flavour files.
- syndicated - Displays content syndicated via RSS.
- amps - replaces instances of & in posts with the & HTML entity
- atx - Write Blosxom entries in atx, the true structured text format.
- autocorrect - offers possible matches for a weblog entry that has been moved to another part of the weblog's category hierarchy
- coderpants - This plugin does a tiny bit of formatting in the tradition of the smartypants and textile plugins by allowing you to designate in-line code snippits via '@' and code blocks via '@@'.
- dictionary - Takes terms from a list in a text file and replaces all instances of those terms with a link to a page that has the definitiions.
- foreshortened - creates a version of the weblog entry body ending at the end of the first sentence (ideal for shortened, plaintext versions of stories for an RSS feed)
- kwiki - Uses Brian Ingerson's excellent Kwiki wiki software as a formatting tool for Blosxom weblog entries.
- paragraph - This plugin allows you to customize the first letter of each paragraph, either by sepcifying dropcaps with a size and color or by using a graphic version of the initial letter.
- random_text - Generates a random text from a user maintainable quotes file.
- smartypants - performs several typographic transformations -- smart quotes, smart dashes, and smart-ellipses -- on your weblog entries (be sure to grab the 1.2b3 beta with Blosxom support)
- textile - A port of Brad Choate's MT Textile plugin; it converts a simple text format to HTML.
- textrite - Typographical markup of dashes, quotes, marks, and paragraphs. Converts internationalised text from 8-bit codes and LaTeX-style markup.
- tiki - hooks in Tim Appnel's Tiki module for formatting weblog entries without HTML
- wikiwordish - Provides WikiWord-like functionality. Intercepts [[someword]] style wikiwordish notation and looks for matches in weblog entry filenames. Also supports InterWikiWords and so much more; read the inline documentation for details.